Family Friends & Farm

Love | Eternally

Love | Eternally

This month I’ve been exploring love in all of it’s glorious nuances and applications. We've talked about the importance of loving one's self, the ups and downs of romantic love, and today I’d like to cover eternal love. Love that knows no time limits, no constraints, no bounds whatsoever.

Savory Beef Strudel

Savory Beef Strudel

My nephew, is a 3rd year student at the University of Washington (yes, proud auntie!) After two years of dorm living, he's now in an apartment and having to cook for himself. Look at this savory beef strudel he made! I've got this recipe and so many more at

Love | Real, Raw, and Romantic

Romantic love is intoxicating and exhilarating, it makes you feel as if you can leap tall buildings or swim across the ocean to be with your true love. It's the stuff of poetry, plays, movies, lyrics, and sometimes, all out war.

Love | It All Begins with YOU

Love | It All Begins with YOU

February is welcomed here like the Mother Ship returning to the outpost with fresh supplies and news from home. (Pardon, so many of my children are sci-fi fans, I’ve begun to speak their language!)

All Things Work Together for Good | Myasthenia Gravis

All Things Work Together for Good | Myasthenia Gravis

Baby Delilah was a healthy, active baby and toddler, meeting all her benchmarks on time or early until she was 2. At that time she was afflicted by a mysterious illness and became unable to walk or move, her eye drooped, she became lax and unresponsive. Rushed to the hospital, there was no answers.

"Do one thing every day that scares you."

"Do one thing every day that scares you."

Many folks I know are happy that 2016 is slipping away and a new year is here! With the changing of the calendar comes new chapters, challenges, and fresh starts.

Bows, Boughs, Berries, and Balsam Hill™

Bows, Boughs, Berries, and Balsam Hill™

Enter to win this very same Christmas tree and decorations I personally chose for my studio at the Happy Holly Days with Delilah & Balsam Hill Sweepstakes! Come on in and take a better look!

Building Bridges to a Loving Tomorrow

Building Bridges to a Loving Tomorrow

So the election has finally coming to an end. The commercials will disappear and the daily rhetoric will become less.... but the divisive energy that has adversely affected us all could very well continue to steal your serenity. Don't let it!

Faith, Family and The Rest | A Visit with Masterbuilt McLemore's

Faith, Family and The Rest | A Visit with Masterbuilt McLemore's

Come hang out with John McLemore - Mr. Masterbuilt - and me as he smokes and fries up some food that's DADGUM Good, and we spend time laughing and eating together.

Make Time | Share Your Story

Make Time | Share Your Story

I often encourage people to make more time to do the things they love to do. In this crazy busy world, it’s not easy to find time to feed your soul amid everything else you must get done.

Put Heart Into Your Home

Put Heart Into Your Home

This week, focus on the home – even if it’s just a temporary residence – and dream up a little corner you can redesign or a patio you can bring to life with plants, or a bookshelf you can dust off to collect books and trinkets.

Perfect Painting Partners | The Home Depot

Painting a room in your home brings a new life to that space; bedroom, living room, kitchen or any other area  that seems to be suffering from the doldrums.

Right now, while the air is warm and the windows can be flung open wide in appreciation of vistas and ventilation, is perfect for painting projects! 

Find both inspiration and the exact color your want at The Home Depot! 

The Paint Department at The Home Depot is a smorgasbord of color! Bright and vibrant, demur and dazzling, light and airy... there is no limit to what they have to offer.

It seems I've ALWAYS got a few paint projects of my own going on, and I love being able to count on The Home Depot whenever I come running in breathless with excitement over what's in the works!

The people behind the counter are sooooo helpful! They answer my questions, provide useful information and tips, and get me everything I need to create the space I'm picturing in my minds eye.  They'll do the same for you!

The people behind the counter are sooooo helpful! They answer my questions, provide useful information and tips, and get me everything I need to create the space I'm picturing in my minds eye.  They'll do the same for you!

Of course, you know me well enough to know that before I head out, I've learned about the paint pros significant others, their parents, babies, what their weekend plans are... Because they are real and genuine people.  

People who are my perfect painting partners and yours!

Hooray for Dads!

Hooray for Dads!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads on my reader list, and all those who are not. To all those who gave life and love, and bestowed gifts and values upon their children.

Most of you have heard me talk about my own father. He was a complicated and conflicted man. We had a complicated and conflicted relationship. I am ever-grateful to him for shaping me, consciously or unconsciously, into the person I am today.
I remember him with love.

Can I Come Garden With YOU?

Can I Come Garden With YOU?

Can I come garden with you???  The fabulous folks at The Home Depot are giving me an opportunity to do just that!  

I love to share my love of gardening. So I asked my Home Depot friends to help me out and they have!  I get to visit YOUR home, help plan YOUR garden, shop with YOU at The Home Depot and then work next to YOU planting and installing!