Book Club

The Opera Sisters | September Book Club

For much of history we didn’t hear a lot about heroic women. Thankfully that’s changing. Women have always been compelled to take tremendous risks for those they love and causes they are passionate about, and their stories are finally being told.

Like my book club pick for September, “The Opera Sisters” by Marianne Monson. Out September 6th!

It’s about the Cook sisters, British citizens who devote a large portion of their limited resources to the enjoyment of opera, often traveling throughout Europe to take in performances. Not the swashbuckling heroes we’re used to hearing of, but in 1930’s Europe the relationships they’ve built, and their established travel habits put them in a position to be of tremendous service - if they dare.

“Based on the true story of the Cook sisters, who smuggled valuables out of 1930s Nazi Germany to finance a daring, secret operation to help Jews find hope for a new life in England.

British sisters Ida and Louise Cook enjoy their quiet, unassuming lives in south London. Ida writes romance novels, and Louise works as a secretary. In the evenings, the sisters indulge in their shared love for opera, saving their money to buy records and attend performances throughout England and Europe, becoming well-known by both performers and fellow opera lovers.

But when Hitler seizes power in 1933, he begins targeting and persecuting German Jews, passing laws that restrict their rights and their lives. The sisters continue their trips to the German opera houses, but soon, Jewish members of the opera community covertly approach the sisters, worried that they will be stripped of their wealth and forced to leave their homes and the country. Danger looms on the horizon, threatening to spill across all of Europe’s borders.

Ida and Louise vow to help, but how can two ordinary working-class women with limited means make a difference?

Together with their beloved opera community, the sisters devise a plan to personally escort Jewish refugees from Germany to England. The success of the plan hinges on Ida and Louise’s ability to smuggle contraband jewelry and furs beneath the watchful eyes of the SS soldiers guarding various checkpoints. But how many trips can they make before someone blows a whistle? Or before the final curtain falls on Germany’s borders?

The Opera Sisters is a riveting and inspiring novel of two unlikely heroines whose courage and compassion gave hope to many Jews desperate to escape Nazi persecution.”

Yes, this is another historical novel, and by now you know how drawn I am to these stories! Imagine you’re dressed in cocktail gowns, furs, and some sparkly baubles, and immerse yourself in another time and place, where danger lurks behind every chord and the world is one big masquerade!

Get your copy of “The Opera Sisters”

Even The Dog Knows | August Book Club

Even before I had my farm animals were a big part of my life. From birth to current day, every chapter of my personal story has had a family pet at the center. They are the other family members whose roles are vastly more impactful and important than we may ever fully realize.

My book club choice for the month of August speaks to that.

“Even The Dog Knows”, by New York Times best-selling author, Jason F. Wright, is about a family who’s been torn apart by grief.

Each member, now distanced, isolated, and lonely… and their dear old pup, who may provide the glue that can bring them together once again. The jacket reads: “A family’s old, beloved dog takes a final road trip to help his people find forgiveness and healing.”

“Meg Gorton finds herself alone and lonely in Florida. Three years earlier, she had packed what she could fit into her sister’s car and asked her estranged husband, Gary, to take care of Moses, their beloved black Labrador. Things between Meg and Gary hadn’t been the same after the loss of their only daughter many years ago. Even after raising their grandson, Troy, it was clear that if Meg wanted a new beginning, she would have to do it alone.

Haunted by the tragedy of his daughter’s death, Gary is stuck in his life in Woodstock, Virginia. He still owns and drives the bus for their hometown minor league baseball team, and he still thinks about the day his wife drove away.

Everything changes when Meg contacts Gary with a request to bring Moses to visit her one last time before the old dog passes on. Gary is reluctant, but Troy thinks it’s an excellent idea. They could even travel together in Gary’s bus. Along the way, Gary takes a detour to visit Troy’s ex-girlfriend, Grace. Gary might not know how to fix things with his wife, but he knows he doesn’t want Troy to make the same mistakes he did.

Although Moses is just a dog, he’s very observant. It doesn’t take long for him to figure out they are going on to see Meg. He knows he’s an old dog and that his time is near, but he also knows his family needs his help.

Even the Dog Knows is a novel that will take readers on a thousand-mile journey to find forgiveness, understanding, healing, and the meaning of true and lasting love.”

At a time when it seems as though every sound bite we come across is simply more depressing news, unplugging and immersing ourselves in feel-good moments are not just important but as necessary as eating healthfully and getting enough sleep.

Give yourself a dose of good medicine this summer. Find a moment, a glass of ice tea, pick up your copy of “Even The Dog Knows,” and travel along with Moses on the journey to unite his people.


The Stranger In The Lifeboat | July Book Club

Back in March, I had the great privilege of hosting impactful author, Mitch Albom, on my bi-monthly podcast series, LOVE SOMEONE with Delilah. Mitch came aboard to share some powerful messages of hope and healing.

His last two books, "Finding Chika", and, “The Stranger In The Lifeboat", are inexorably tied; the first about the grief of losing his beloved daughter, and the second, about healing. If you haven’t had an opportunity to listen to this episode yet, please do so now!

I decided after our conversation to make “The Stranger In The Lifeboat” one of my monthly book club choices this year, and July is the month!

The drifting lifeboat is a metaphor for desperation, for those crying out to God for help, (and demanding the cry be answered with the swiftness and accuracy of a fast food order). The story he’s woven together about a group of shipwreck survivors, and the stranger they pull out of the water several days later, sifts through all the theological ponderings of a varied group of believers and non-believers, as they spend their days and nights waiting and wondering if they’ll be saved.

And all the while it reads like a great Agatha Christie “whodunit”, pulling you deeper and deeper into the mystery as you try to sort and arrange the clues that will lead to the “ah-ha!” solution.

Mitch Albom became a household name after the release of "Tuesdays with Morrie" a memoir of his visits with his old college professor during the last days of Morrie's life. It was a book full of lessons on living, dying, and love.

Since then he has continuously put forth works just as insightful, compelling, and inspiring, like The Stranger in the Lifeboat, available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

While his books have sold over 40 million copies, you might also be interested to know that Mitch is an accomplished songwriter, pianist and lyricist too. He and wife, Janine, work tirelessly to better the lives of the suffering at the orphanage they have committed their lives to in Haiti and the many other charitable organizations they’ve helped to established and support.

Please visit Have Faith Haiti Mission to learn more about how your heart may be touch by the children living there.

Praying With The Enemy | June Book Club


Do you know a book-loving dad who would appreciate some new summer reading material? I’ve got you covered!

My June Book Club pick, “Praying With The Enemy,” by Steven T. Collis, is just the ticket!

Collis, also author of my June 2021 book club choice, The Immortals, bases Praying With The Enemy on the touching true story of an American POW and a North Korean soldier who become unlikely allies united in their shared faith in God during a daring escape to freedom.

“COLLIS IS A LITERARY FORCE IN HISTORICAL FICTION. A mesmerizing story of faith and survival during the Korean War.” - Booklist, starred review.

”When pilot Captain Ward Millar is forced to eject over enemy territory in North Korea, the ejection explosion snaps both of his ankles. Unable to walk, he is easily captured by North Korean and Chinese soldiers who interrogate, threaten, and starve him for strategic wartime information. He feeds the enemy false information while plotting his escape. But it’s only a matter of time before they discover his lies. He knows it will take a miracle to gain his freedom, but his previous self-reliance on his own capabilities has never included appealing to a higher power. If only he had faith like his wife, Barbara, whose firm belief in God can move mountains.

North Korean soldier Kim Jae Pil was raised to believe in the power of prayer, but, knowing the Communist Party’s views on religious groups, Kim and his family must keep their Christian faith secret. He is desperate to escape the army, return to his family, and then flee to South Korea.

With Millar imprisoned and unable to walk, and the North Korean army increasingly suspicious of Kim’s actions, it seems impossible that either man will find the freedom they so desperately desire. But when these wartime foes cross paths, they find in each other an unlikely ally. Despite speaking different languages, Millar and Kim find common ground in their fragile faith and must rely on each other to undertake a daring escape.”

”Unlikely” friendships are my favorite kind of friendships! To me they mean that despite outward appearances, languages, traditions or customs practiced… people have far more in common than they have differences, and it’s those things that attract us to one another.

Praying with the Enemy” is a story of courage, determination, unlikely friendship, and enduring faith.”

It’s a perfect read to take into a hammock while someone else mows the lawn! Find a copy for Dad (or yourself!) right here:


Games in a Ballroom | May Book Club

I’ve found another Proper Romance book to delight you with this month! My May book club choice is “Games in a Ballroom” by Jentry Flint.

It’s a light, lovely period piece that sweeps us away from housework, bill-paying, and daily drudgeries, placing us gently into an 1815 London. You’ll leave the sweats and sneaks behind, donning petticoats and satin slippers instead, as you immerse yourself in Olivia and Emerson’s world of strict class orders and forbidden romance.

Powder your nose, nestle your tiara atop your coiffed mane, put your feet up and come away with me…

“Olivia Wilde has resigned herself to never finding a love match. Her father has insisted she marry a man with a title, but the men her father deems acceptable are either boring or are only interested in increasing their own diminishing coffers. With her future looking dismal, Olivia vows to enjoy the last few months of freedom with her childhood friends, including Emerson Latham. His devilish smile and flirtatious teasing stirs up feelings she knows she cannot entertain.

Emerson is struggling to rise to his responsibilities after his father's death. Though he is still learning his place, one thing he knows for certain is that he wants Olivia Wilde to be his wife. Emerson had long ago fallen in love with her quick wit, beauty, and passionate heart. Yet, without a title, he will never be permitted to court Olivia openly. But he has a plan that may give him a chance to court her in secret.

As the Season kicks off, Emerson proposes a playful game of tag. Olivia's friends are delighted by the idea, though Olivia is wary. After all, the game must be played in secret as they tag each other at dinners and balls. As the romance builds between Olivia and Emerson, so does the risk of being discovered. Not only are their reputations at stake, so is their safety if they are caught by Olivia's strict father.

Can their love find a happily ever after before the game ends?”

We’ve closed the binding on yet another Proper Romance, but I guarantee we’ll be thinking of petit fours and party frocks for a long while to come. At the same time, we’ll be thankful that we are free to love and live lives of our own choosing these days!

It’s time to get back to the realities of today, but go ahead, keep wearing your tiara!

Get your copy of Games in a Ballroom HERE

And if you're wondering what to get Mom for Mother's Day, wonder no more!

A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice | April Book Club

The tale of the Titanic, or rather the sinking of theTitanic, is a story we’re all at least somewhat familiar with (thanks to Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet!) And while we know the fate of James Cameron’s cinema characters, wouldn’t you love to discover more about the daring, and seemingly impossible, race to save survivors of the most famed shipwreck in history?

My book club pick for April, “A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice”, by Rebecca Connolly, provides just that!

It’s based upon the true actions of Arthur Rostron, the heroic captain of the Carpathia, the only ship to answer theTitanic’s distress call.

I could not put it down until the final page had been turned!

“Shortly after midnight on April 15, 1912, the captain of the Carpathia, Arthur Rostron, wakes to a distress signal from the Titanic, which has struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage. Though information is scarce, Rostron leaps into action, determined to answer the call for help. But the Carpathia is more than four hours away, and there are more questions than answers: Will his ship hold together if pushed to never-before-tested speeds? What if he also strikes an iceberg? And with the freezing temperatures, will there be any survivors by the time the Carpathia arrives?

Kate Connolly is a third-class passenger on Titanic, and she is among the last to receive instruction and help after it hits an iceberg. Despite the chaos of abandoning ship, Kate is able to board a lifeboat, though after seeing the Titanic sink into the abyss and hearing the cries from hundreds of people still in the water, she wonders if any rescue is even possible.

Told in alternating chapters from both Captain Rostron and Kate Connolly, this novel is a compelling, heart-pounding account of two eyewitnesses to an epic disaster. Rostron's heroic and compassionate leadership, his methodical preparations for rescue, and his grit and determination to act honorably and selflessly to save lives and care for the survivors, sets the course for this awe-inspiring story.”

 "Captain Rostron's decisive and heroic actions as he prepared his crew for what they were about to encounter was inspirational and heartrending. I've found a new hero in a man who never hesitated in doing the right thing." ―Heather B. Moore, author of The Paper Daughters of Chinatown

Another book club pick that has it all; history, intrigue, suspense… I love these kinds of reads, where the story and the characters linger in my mind as I go about my every day real life, pondering the historical insight provided and all the “what-ifs” had things gone just slightly different. I hope you do too!

Grab a copy for yourself and add it to a few Easter basket bundles while you’re at it!

Get your own copy of “A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice”

3:16, The Numbers of Hope | March Book Club

Sometimes it would be so easy to give in to the negativities of the world and simply let despair wash over us like the incoming tide, if it weren’t for another far more powerful force, hope.

One of beloved author, Max Lucado’s, all-time bestselling books, 3:16, The Numbers of Hope, has been updated and gifted to us, just as we struggle into our third year of Covid 19 and the disruptions and losses it continues to deliver.

“We’ve all had our fair share of disappointments, loss, or hardships. But for every challenge there is a breathtaking promise: It’s going to be okay. How can we know? Because God so loved the world. “

In 3:16, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado encourages us to study closely the “Hope Diamond of the Bible”: John 3:16.

Max says of his favorite verse, “Every time I recall these words, they are fresh and as stunning as my first encounter with them. The mind-bending awareness of God’s limitless love, his incalculable sacrifice, and the priceless teaching at the core. How can we not review it again and again? I want this generation, and all who come after, to look closely at the key promise of God and choose the gift beyond all gifts.”

Throughout this updated and expanded edition of 3:16, Max will invite you to:

  • Stand in awe of how deep, wide, long, and high God’s love is for you

  • Understand more fully the living hope you have through Jesus’ death and resurrection

  • Rest in the assurance that salvation is a gift from God, not something you can earn

If you know nothing of the Bible, start here. If you know everything in the Bible, return here. Let John 3:16 become the banner of your life, so much so that the message of God’s unending and unbending love overflows from you to others. Each copy of 3:16 also includes a 40-day devotional designed to help you draw closer to your loving Savior. “

A glance at my bookcase shows the name “Max Lucado” on a great many of the outward facing spines. 3:16 is among the favorites.

As someone who has experienced great losses and trauma, I can be easily triggered by news of tragic events and become fearful. It is my faith and belief that He is in control that helps to steady me and allows me to experience the joy and promise of today, and the hope for a better tomorrow.

Give yourself the gift of 3:16, The Numbers of Hope.

Receive $5 off when you order HERE - while supplies last!

Join Max’s free Online Bible Study

(For the first time ever, Max reads the full-length audiobook,
look for the option when placing your order!)

Beyond The Lavender Fields | February Book Club


How many of you, dear friends, have picked up on the fact that I love historical fiction?  Why? Because I love a good story! My radio life, and the successes I’ve found there, are all about The Stories! Combining music and listener stories - beyond typical DJ requests and dedications - made the format I pioneered unique. It’s been working pretty well for me since 1984!

And I love history, yet it wasn’t my favorite subject in school… Enter historical fiction. A genre with exceptional bridge-building powers. Historical fiction pulls the reader into the story while simultaneously immersing them in times and places and situations that a history text could not.

So that is why I’m so drawn to novels like this month’s book club pick, “Beyond The Lavender Fields”, by Arlem Hawks.

Here is a story set in revolutionary-era France with themes as old as time. Must upheaval and violence always be bedfellows of change? Is right and wrong really so easily defined? Why must one always choose sides? And, where does love fit in? Let Beyond The Lavender Fields whisk you away.

“1792, France Rumors of revolution in Paris swirl in Marseille, a bustling port city in southern France. Gilles Etienne, a clerk at the local soap factory, thrives on the news. Committed to the cause of equality, liberty, and brotherhood, he and his friends plan to march to Paris to dethrone the monarchy. His plans are halted when he meets Marie-Caroline Daubin, the beautiful daughter of the owner of the factory.

A bourgeoise and royalist, Marie-Caroline has been called home to Marseille to escape the unrest in Paris. She rebuffs Gilles's efforts to charm her and boldly expresses her view that violently imposed freedom is not really freedom for all. As Gilles and Marie-Caroline spend more time together, she questions her initial assumptions about Gilles and realizes that perhaps they have more in common than she thought.

As the spirit of revolution descends on Marseille, people are killed and buildings are ransacked and burned to the ground. With their lives and their nation in turmoil, both Gilles and Marie-Caroline wonder if a revolutionnaire and a royaliste can really be together or if they must live in a world that forces people to choose sides.”

Stepping out of my own reality from time to time is a refreshing experience, and there is only pleasure, no guilt, in a good romance. Being invited into Gilles and Marie-Caroline lives helped me to find a little perspective in my own. I’m sure you’ll feel the same about this amazingly researched, well-crafted novel by Arlem Hawks. It’s Magnifique!

Get Your Copy HERE
Watch The Book Trailer

Jesus Listens | January Book Club


Life is never (ever) the easy-peasy joy ride we think it’s going to be when we’re young. Life is more cyclical than that, like the seasons. Our planet would dry up and blow away if it hovered perpetually in the heat and sun of summertime. We need winter, and the transitional seasons too.

Life is like that as well, and if you find yourself experiencing some wintery moments, anxious and overwhelmed, Jesus will provide shelter from the storm.

My book club pick for January is a new 365-day devotional prayer book, Jesus Listens, by Sarah Young, author of Jesus Calling, chosen to begin the new year with the best advice I can give to anyone; turn to God in all circumstances.

Whether the practice of daily devotionals is something you embraced long ago, or are brand new to, Jesus Listens empowers you to pray daily. Maybe it will be the only (conscious) conversation you have with God that day, or perhaps it will serve as an “ice-breaker” allowing you to begin a new relationship.

Jesus Listens is ideal for those who . . . 

  • are going through difficult times and looking for rest and hope

  • are busy from life’s demands, but want to grow their prayer life

  • are not sure how to pray

  • have been praying for years but want a closer relationship with God

The biblical basis for each prayer in Jesus Listens is given at the end of each entry so you can continually return to God's promises in Scripture. 

Jesus Listens, 365 short, heartfelt prayers based on Scripture, is a beautiful gift to give yourself or anyone you know who has, or seeks, a relationship with God.

It’s a helpful and appreciated aid to establishing a more consistent practice of talking to and trusting in Jesus, in the midst of life’s harshest storms, and whilst rejoicing in the sunshine of a moment.

“By praying Scripture through this daily devotional prayer book, you'll experience how intentional prayer connects you to God, changes your heart, and can even move mountains.”

Find your way to Jesus Listens HERE.



Oh December, delightful, decadent, delicious December!

So many things to do! So many things to make! So many things to eat!!! But if you (like me) have grown a little tired of the same-old, same-old, I’ve got a treat for you; a SCRUMPTIOUS treat!

My book club pick for the month of December is a big, beautiful cookbook, “Scrumptious”, by Christy Denny.

Christy has years of experience as a recipe writer for both Betty Crocker and General Mills, and writes the very popular blog, “The Girl Who Ate Everything”. (Woman after my own heart!) Her love of eating is life-long, and as one of 10 siblings, a wife, and mother of 5, cooking took it’s natural place in her life.

Scrumptious, is her second cookbook and it’s filled with over 100 recipes that are extremely family friendly! They are tasty, and thankfully, not overly-complicated. She heard her followers when they said they needed recipes to make their lives EASIER, and filled this cookbook with all the answers to the question of what to make for dinner, breakfast, and sweet treats. There are pages and pages of gorgeous photos, which are a feast for the eyes before even making it to the belly!

I’m especially happy with the big selection of One-Pan recipes, because, as a mom to too-many-to-count I’m usually looking to feed a big crew, fast! The ability to do this deliciously (and make a pretty presentation to boot) has me nearly breaking my arm patting myself on the back so enthusiastically! Scrumptious even has a whole low-carb/Keto-friendly chapter that Christy’s husband was heavily involved in making, that’s given me some great ideas when a few members of my big extended crew comes to visit.

This cookbook will make an EXCELLENT Christmas gift for anyone who, well, EATS. Young adults living on their own for the first time, couples, young families, established families, grandparents… Truly, it’s chock-full of fresh, fabulous ideas than anyone and everyone will find useful. And the results are absolutely scrumptious!

Get your copy HERE!

Christy Denney and her family.

The Last Checkmate | November Book Club

The Last Checkmate

Fan of The Queen’s Gambit? Then you won’t want to miss my November Book Club selection, “The Last Checkmate,” by Gabriella Saab!

I loved the Netflix series, even though I know little about the game. Just as I thoroughly enjoyed this month’s pick, another spellbinding piece of historical fiction set during WWII.

A young Polish resistance worker, Maria Florkowska, is a political prisoner at Auschwitz who plays chess in exchange for her life.

After being captured by the Gestapo in Nazi-occupied Poland, Maria and her family are sentenced to death…but when a cruel concentration camp deputy realizes her ability to play chess, she is spared. He intends to use Maria as an opponent to entertain the camp guards, with the intention of eliminating her when he tires of exploiting her chess skills.

She endures her 4-year imprisonment by strategizing not only her chess moves, but also by making her captor a playing piece in her larger game of survival, healing, and revenge. As the war nears its end, she challenges her nemesis to one final game, certain to end in life or death, in failure or justice.

“When Ebner returned to stand across from me, he held a whip in one hand and a club in the other. He placed both on the table. One reminded me of my last Gestapo interrogation, the other of my flogging, but I wasn’t afraid of either, because I remembered this this stage of his interrogations. He wasn’t going to torture me, because I was already cooperating. He just wanted to terrorize me.

We’d reached the most critical moment of our game. We’d made our opening moves and had established control of the board, strategizing and planning. Now we attacked.”

Gabriella Saab reveals herself to be a brilliant writer in her debut novel. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be up late into the night, too riveted to put down “The Last Checkmate”, until Maria has made her final move.

Get your copy HERE
(and order more to give as gifts to lovers of suspenseful historical fiction!)


The Stolen Lady | October Book Club


For no particular reason, I’ve been drawn to stories that take place during the World War II era. I’ve always loved historical fiction, and there are quite a number of really good books available right now that are set during this period.

It was a time when the world hung by a thread and families nervously crowded around the wireless longing to hear news of victory. And it was a time when villains seemed easy to identify and heroes were plentiful too. A time of good and evil, victory and defeat, hope and despair… suspenseful and full of intrigue. Ok, maybe there IS a particular reason I’ve been drawn to this era - it so easily lends itself to rich and immersive reading material. I can’t seem to get enough!

Like this month’s pick. “The Stolen Lady” , by Laura Morelli, a stunning historical novel about two women, separated by five hundred years, united by their roles in hiding Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

Anne Guichard is a young archivist working at the Louvre in 1939, the dawn of WWII. Her daily life is thrown into upheaval as the Nazis draw near and a mad scramble to hide the museum’s precious artwork - including the Mona Lisa - begins. Her job in art preservation is now cloaked in fear and danger.

Bellina Sardi is a servant girl in a much earlier time. The year is 1479, and her mistress, Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy silk merchant, is to have her portrait painted by Master Leonardo da Vinci. This too was a period of extreme unrest, when the Florentines were rising up to overthrow the Medici family and their wealthy beneficiaries. Bellina becomes guardian to a dangerous and valuable secret.

“When art and war collide, Leonardo da Vinci, his beautiful subject Lisa, and the portrait find themselves in the crosshairs of history. “

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Fans of historical fiction will love this! Those who appreciate art will love this! Anyone who has visited France, Paris, or the Louvre will love this! WWII buffs will love this! I can’t think of anyone who won’t love this!

Laura Morelli is a masterful storyteller and imbues her characters with optimism and hope despite the dangerous games of cat and mouse they are intricately immersed in. I found myself in a time machine bouncing between centuries and fearfully protective of The Stolen Lady.

Here’s where you can get your copy: The Stolen Lady

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The Slow March Of Light | September Book Club


I love books and reading for two main reasons, for the things I can learn, and the places (my imagination) can go! It’s works like my September Book Club choice that check both boxes!

The Slow March of Light, by Heather Moore, is an historical novel, based on a true story and inspired by actual events.

I was a toddler, living worlds away, when a wall of barbed wire was erected in the middle of the night, dividing one of the largest European cities, Berlin, into two very different countries; Soviet-occupied East Berlin, under communist rule, and West Berlin. Too young, and too far removed to wonder what that must be like.

But now, now I find myself lost in “what ifs.” What if I was a toddler living on one side of that wall? What if part of my family were on the other side of the wall? What if I was older? Would I risk my life and those that I love to do try and change our circumstances? What would that be? (“Of course,” my imagination says, “of course you would!”) But we all know imagination and reality are two entirely different things…


In our novel, Luisa Voigt doesn’t have to imagine a thing. It’s all too real for her. After the barbed wire goes up, her grandmother is trapped inside isolated East Germany; Luisa joins a secret spy network, whose mission is to smuggle those on the other side into West Berlin.

Bob Inama doesn’t either. A United States GI stationed in West Germany, he receives classified orders that place him on the other side secretly gathering intel to map out military targets. And then he is captured, imprisoned, and tortured. Thoughts of the lovely woman, Luisa, whom he met before his clandestine assignment, provide the glimmer of hope he needs to make it through each day of his confinement.

Told in alternating chapters, Luisa and Bob become endeared to me (and will to you!) and I drift away with them, vividly imagining myself in their situations trying to decide what to do next, and living through the drama of their stories.

Author Heather B. Moore has written a story that pulls you in, and like Bob’s imprisonment, doesn’t let you go until you’ve turned the very last page.

Begin your adventure by watching the introductory video (which includes an interview with real-life veteran, Bob Inama,) and then use the purchase link to pick up your copy HERE

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The Merchant and The Rogue | August Book Club


The Merchant & The Rogue

I’m about 30 pages into my August Book Club choice, The Merchant and The Rogue, by Sarah M. Eden, and it’s soooo good! (The book isn’t available until the 17th, but the publishers sent me a copy early!)

This is another one of the Proper Romance books I’m so fond of. I’ve shared a few of them with you before, if you’ll remember, Miracle Creek Christmas, Promised, Lakeshire Park

The Merchant and The Rogue, has the same sensibilities; historical detail (1865 London), intriguing plot line, fascinating characters, and nothing so risqué that you’d mind your teenager picking up and reading it themselves - in fact, you’d recommend they do so!

The Merchant and the Rogue.jpeg

This is the story of Vera Sorokina, someone who loves reading the Penny Dreadfuls and all the adventure, mystery, and romance they contain, while her own life is relatively mundane working alongside her father in his book and print shop.

And it’s about Brogan Donnelly, an Irishman living in London, who coincidentally is a Penny Dreadful writer. He has a satisfactory life, yet still feels a bit lonely and much like an outsider.

It has all the right elements of a perfect romance - attraction, distrust, confusion, and a common threat this duo must work together to defeat, overcoming obstacles in their pathway to love in the process.

You might be asking how in the world I find time to read between my never-ending art installation, gardening, wrangling kids and grandkids, and radio work… but the answer is this, I ALWAYS find time to read! It is not so much one of life’s pleasures, as it is one of life’s necessities to me.

Losing myself in the pages of a good book - even if it’s just for 30 minutes or so a day, helps me to relax, unwind, and refresh. The Merchant and The Rogue does the job exceptionally well!

Pre-Order your copy today HERE!
(And be sure to watch the trailer too!)

"Living Brave," A Book We All Need

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Living Brave

Life throws us many curve balls. Why some of us have to duck, dodge, and deal with far more than others is a mystery. How does one stay hopeful? Resilient? Happy, even?

Shannon Dingle, writer and disability advocate, helps us to understand in her new book, “Living Brave.”

She knows a thing or two about survival in times of trauma and upheaval, and has learned how to embrace the preciousness of life amid it all.

After surviving sexual abuse and trafficking as a child, Shannon was left with lasting disabilities. And yet she rose. She blossomed. She thrived. She married and became a mom - six times over. Life was good. And then it wasn’t. A rogue wave hit her husband while their family was on vacation tragically ending his life, leaving her a widowed mother of 6, deep in grief.

“The grief of the aftermath of losing her love and life partner sits at the heart of Living Brave, where Shannon’s searing, raw prose, illustrates what it looks like to take brave steps on the other side of unimaginable loss.

Through each challenge, she reveals the ways she learned to walk through them to the other side, and find courage even through the darkest moments. Living Brave gives women permission to wrestle with difficult topics, to use their voice, to take a stand for justice, to honor the wisdom of their bodies, and to enact change from a place of strong faith.”

This is a book anyone who has ever wondered “How do I get through this?” needs. Which means it’s a book we ALL need. To live, it is said, is to love. It is also to experience loss and pain. For some, like Shannon, there are other elements, abuse, trauma, and disability.

Let her invite you into her life and share her experiences with you, so that you might find some insight and inspiration on how to deal with whatever curve ball life has thrown at you and remain hopeful still.

Here’s where you can get your copy of LIVING BRAVE.

Sisters Of The Resistance & Island Queen | July Book Club


I don’t know if it stems from our “year of restrictions” or if there are just too many good new releases, but the last couple of months I’ve found it impossible to limit my book club selection to a single title!

Sisters Of The Resistance,” by Christine Wells, and “Island Queen,” by Vanessa Riley, are the two I’ve chosen to share with you during the month of July!

Sisters Of The Resistance

Here’s an incredible story, inspired by real-life people, places, and happenings. “Sisters of the Resistance” by Christine Wells, tells of the bravery of Catherine Dior, sister of the fashion designer, Christian Dior, whose label we all covet to this day, and her heroic movements near the end of WWII in occupied France.

“Paris, 1944: The war is nearly over, but for members of the Resistance in occupied France, it is more dangerous than ever before. Twenty-five-year-old Gabby Foucher loathes the Nazis, though as the concierge of 10 rue Royale, she does her best to avoid conflict—unlike her bolder sister Yvette, who finds trouble at every turn. 

Then they are both recruited into the Resistance by Catherine Dior and swept into a treacherous world of spies, fugitives, and intrigue. While Gabby risks everything for the man she is hiding from the Nazis, Yvette must decide whether to trust an enigmatic diplomat who seems to have guessed her secret. As the threat of betrayal draws ever-closer, one slip could mean the deaths of many, and both sisters must make choices they might regret. “

We hear so little of the remarkable women who helped to defeat Nazi forces during WWII, that I find stories such as these completely engrossing and absolutely jaw dropping.

"As dazzling as a Dior gown! With a gorgeous blend of fashion, heartbreak, heroism, and love this book will transport you to France...” —Natasha Lester, New York Times bestselling author of “The Paris Secret.”

Immerse yourself in Catherine Dior’s Paris spy network by picking up
your own copy of SISTERS of the RESISTANCE.

Island Queen

From what little I know of the colonial West Indies, a story about a woman of color who rose from slavery to become a wealthy and powerful landowner, would seem rather extraordinary. And that’s exactly what “Island Queen,” by Vanessa Riley is! Extraordinary.

In this stunning historical novel, Riley draws upon the true-life story of Dorothy Kirwan Thomas to weave a fascinating, page-turning adventure.

”Born into slavery on the tiny Caribbean island of Montserrat, Doll bought her freedom—and that of her sister and her mother—from her Irish planter father and built a legacy of wealth and power as an entrepreneur, merchant, hotelier, and planter that extended from the marketplaces and sugar plantations of Dominica and Barbados to a glittering luxury hotel in Demerara on the South American continent.

Island Queen is a sweeping epic of an adventurer and a survivor who answered to no one but herself as she rose to power and autonomy against all odds, defying rigid eighteenth-century morality and the oppression of women as well as people of color. It is an unforgettable portrait of a true larger-than-life woman who made her mark on history.”

I absolutely could NOT put this one down. It is rich in historical details, transporting me to a hot tropical climate in a time without air conditioning or any other modern convenience, and where survival for most was tied to incredible physical labor and discomfort. How anyone survived the circumstances baffles me, and how one woman could rise, and rise, and rise, is astonishingly inspirational!

“Richly detailed, vividly depicted, and sweeping in scope, “Island Queen” is historical fiction at its absolute finest. A stunning must-read!”—Chanel Cleeton, New York Times bestselling author of “The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba.”

Here’s where you can get it: ISLAND QUEEN

Before you head out to the lake, the beach, or the backyard, grab your sunhat, shades, a tall cool glass of iced tea, and these two great reads!


The Immortals & In Times of Rain and War | June Book Club


You know how sometimes you’re out to dinner and at the end of a delicious meal, after you’ve eaten so much you think you might simply burst… they roll out that desert cart??? And once presented with all the delicious options, not only can you not indulge, but you can’t even limit your choice to just one of possibilities in front of you?  

Well, that’s what it was like when it came time to pick this month’s book club title…

So let me introduce to you not one, but TWO terrific reads for the month that summer, sunshine, and some long lazy weekends (perfect for lounging, picnicking, and reading) present themselves, “The Immortals” & “In Times of Rain and War.”


The first of the two, The Immortals, by Steven T. Collins, is an incredible work of non-fiction that tells the story of the four famous chaplains serving the SS Dorchester, and the previously unsung fifth hero who risked his life when the ship went down in World War II with over 900 men on board.

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“In 1943, German U-boats lurked in the icy waters of the North Atlantic, anxious to bring down Allied ships. 

By the time the four chaplains aboard the Dorchester descended into the lower holds, the troops knew something was going on; an announcement had blared over the loudspeakers. It was vague. The ship was entering into troubled waters. Submarines were estimated in the vicinity. They were told to put on their life jackets and clothes just to be safe. Tensions were rising. 

For the first time in print, this gripping narrative features the largely untold story of a fifth hero, Charles Walter David Jr., a young Black petty officer aboard a Coast Guard cutter who risked his life over and over again, even with hypothermia setting in, to try and rescue the men from the torpedoed Dorchester. 

Page-turning and inspiring, The Immortals explores the power of both faith and sacrifice and powerfully narrates the lives of five heroic men who believed in something greater than themselves, giving their all for people of vastly different beliefs and backgrounds.”

More information, the buy link, and a lovely video book trailer
for The Immortals can all be found HERE.


The second volume in this Father’s Day pack is a phenomenal work of historical fiction, In Times of Rain and War, by Camron Wright, author of the best-selling novel, The Rent Collector.

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“In September of 1940, during the Blitz in London, Audrey Stocking is blending in with other civilians who are trying to survive the nightly bombings, but she has a secret. She’s not British; she’s German. Her fake passport and nearly perfect English allow her to blend in as she works hard to help evacuate British children into the countryside. Audrey longs to reunite with her family in Germany, but her double life, the bombings, and the watchful British Military Intelligence have forced her to stay put. And then there are the paralyzing nightmares . . .

Lieutenant Wesley Bowers, an American soldier training with London’s Bomb Disposal Company 5, meets Audrey when an air raid leaves an unexploded bomb on the floor of her flat. She is attractive, intelligent, and compassionate, and there’s an immediate connection between them. As they get to know each other, Wesley realizes Audrey is the one bright spot amid the war’s unending bleakness and constant threat of death. But will he still feel the same if he discovers the secrets she is hiding? Secrets even Audrey is unaware of?"

In Times of Rain and War is a gripping and heartbreakingly beautiful story about the strength and resilience of the human heart and spirit, reminding us there is always hope in hard times.”

You can find additional information, the buy link, and a great video
book trailer for In Times of Rain and War HERE.

Memorial Day having been so recently commemorated, my thoughts and emotions have been with all the brave men and women who have served our country so valiantly, some paying the ultimate price for our freedoms.

These two books, both from the World War II era, seem the perfect match to my mood and musings, and perhaps to yours as well. Each are steeped in rich historical narrative and resplendent with tantalizing characters.

Go ahead, immerse yourself in the decadent delight of The Immortals & In Times of Rain and War, I won’t judge you because you couldn’t choose just one!

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DeVon Franklin | "Live Free: Exceed Your Highest Expectations"

I’ve been a big big fan of all things DeVon Franklin for a long while now. That’s why I can heartily recommend his new book, “LIVE FREE: Exceed Your Highest Expectations.”


As you may already know, DeVon Franklin is an award-winning film producer, NYT bestselling author, and motivational speaker. He was a guest on my podcast, LOVE SOMEONE with Delilah, along with another one of my favorite people, Chrissy Metz, after directing the heartwarming, faith affirming, film, BREAKTHROUGH. And before that, I was fortunate to have a small, (ok tiny… ok, teeny tiny) speaking part in THE STAR the sweet animated film he also directed.

DeVon is committed to uplifting global communities through entertainment and has leveraged his 20-year Hollywood career and experiences to become a leading authority on inspirational personal and professional development with millions of followers worldwide. Perhaps this is why Variety Magazine named him one of the "Top 10 Producers to Watch,"

DeVon is also the author of multiple bestselling books including THE TRUTH ABOUT MEN, THE SUCCESS COMMANDMENTS, THE WAIT (co-written with his wife, award-winning actress Meagan Good) and PRODUCED BY FAITH.

His highly anticipated fifth book, LIVE FREE: Exceed Your Highest Expectations was just released this month!

He helps teach us how to live free from unnecessary stress and anxiety and lead happier lives by learning to set our own expectations rather than accepting those imposed upon us.

Everything DeVon touches is full of lessons and wonderful advise helping us live more joyful lives. This one will be on my night stand for a long time to come. I want you all to get a copy, and heed the advice he sets forth within! I can assure you that any advice DeVon has to offer is positive, powerful, and empowering, and nothing but good things will come of you following it.

Pick up your copy through DeVon’s own website: LIVE FREE

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Raised In The Kitchen | May Book Club


I looooove cooking for my large crazy crew!

Seems like I’m always in the kitchen with kids underfoot, over foot, beside me, betwixt me, on stools, and perched on a counter. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Cooking and eating is more than simple nourishment, it’s a time of togetherness; bonding, talking, laughing, and loving.

That’s what popular cooking blogger and author, Carrian Cheney, and I have in common! But the similarities end there, because I am anything BUT organized and thoughtful about my processes. She, however, is! And it’s our good luck that she has the ability to break things down into easily understandable steps, write it out, and share it with all of us. On her blog, and in her new book, Raised In The Kitchen, my May Book Club pick.

Carrian knows that cooking together as a family is the secret to not only raising children well prepared for adulthood but also to mixing ingredients beyond just the dough for cookies--love, unity, and combined hearts. She is well aware that family and memories are made one recipe at a time.


Raised In The Kitchen is a step-by-step guide that covers food prep to clean-up. It includes ingredient lists and easy-to-follow recipes as well as “dollops of heartwarming family stories, insights, and kid-friendly food activities to keep everyone from the tired and overwhelmed mom to the littlest of picky eaters focused on deliciousness in the kitchen.”

It’s got a whopping 75 recipes from basics (like fried eggs & baked potatoes) to beyond (like steak fajitas and chocolate cake,) with a natural progression as cooking skills are developed. Recipes include tips and tricks in the kitchen to build capabilities and confidence.

Raised in the Kitchen is a cookbook for parents and kids about much more than learning to love to cook. It's about bringing families together and then one day sending those little hands off to their own kitchens, where they will teach their own children the recipes, laughter, and love that shaped their lives.”

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Tips on Salt * Breads * Breakfast
Meat 101 * Side Dishes * Knife Safety 101
Main Dishes * Family Bakeoffs * Desserts

Raised In The Kitchen deserves a place in your cookbook library and will become thumb-worn with use as you and your children or grandchildren bond, and grow, and eat your way through every page!

Get Your Copy of Raised In The Kitchen!

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Come, Sweet Day | April Book Club


We’ve been waiting, haven’t we, for our sweet day to come?

2020 dished out it’s fair share of disappointment and despair. The isolation many endured (and are still yet enduring,) made tough situations even less bearable. Pressures mounted, support systems collapsed, and our physical, emotional, and spiritual health was assaulted. Julianne Donaldson, bestselling romance author of Edenbrooke, knows the longing all too well. Come, Sweet Day, a collection of poems and essays, reminds us that we are not alone.

Donaldson went through a period of time when things were happening in her personal life that many of us like to believe only happen to others; conflicts, challenges, and upheavals led to depression and despondency. Come, Sweet Day, was written to let others know they are not alone, that there is a light in the darkness, and days will be bright again.


”Compiled from years of inspirational words of encouragement to herself on social media and even bits and pieces of random musings written on scrap paper, this is a unique writer's journey through a life passage marked by cancer, a bitter divorce, legal battles with her ex-husband, mental illness, and persistent feelings of rejection and abandonment which also rendered her unable to pick up her career as a writer to support herself and her family.

Overwhelmed by sadness and almost paralyzed into inaction by despair, she slowly finds her way back to her writer's toolbox, unpacking the pain and sharing her innermost feelings as if revealing a character's thoughts in a novel. In her writing she begins to find rays of understanding and acceptance and eventually finds strength from knowing that God's love and His grace and guidance give greater meaning to our suffering and light the way to hope.”

A slim little book, with a bright happy cover, Come, Sweet Day, is suited to all of us that have known troubling times and might have wondered if things would ever get better. They will!

It’s a thoughtful gift for a friend or family member that you sense could do with a bit of inspiration and absolutely perfect for Mother’s Day. Here’s where you can get a copy (or ten):

Buy Link: Come, Sweet Day

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