Nighttime radio host, Delilah

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Put Heart Into Your Home

I live on a farm, which makes for a lot of upkeep, especially when the sunshine returns and the land needs to be tilled and the fields mowed and the garden seeds sowed. Or now, when growing has slowed or stopped for everything but the weeds which must be kept under control and there is harvesting, harvesting, harvesting to be done...

But I love every minute of it. I love to get my hands dirty. I stinkin’ love my farm – even when it involves a stinkin' barn stall I have to muck, or chicken coops to be cleaned out.

I haven’t always lived on a big farm with lots of acreage. I’ve lived in postage-stamp size apartments in the city and I’ve made my home in the suburbs at times. And you know what? I liked those places too, because I made them into what I needed them to be for me at the time. I've always tried to create a sanctuary for my self and my visitors wherever I lived.

Do you realize the importance of this? Of having someplace, called home, where you can let your guard down, allow the troubles of the day to drain from you, and leave feeling refreshed?

This week, focus on the home – even if it’s just a temporary residence – and dream up a little corner you can redesign or a patio you can bring to life with plants, or a bookshelf you can dust off to collect books and trinkets.

Make a reading corner. Make a crafting corner. Make a “relax while doing nothing corner.” Create a pocket in your home to become your sanctuary, the place that makes you feel alive, or relaxed, or both!

After all, home is where your heart is, but that might require putting a little heart into your home. Just a thought...