Weekend Retreat - Snow Much Fun!


Nestled into the Cascade range, just east of Seattle, is a picturesque little Bavarian styled town named Leavenworth. This is where I snuck away for a weekend with the hubby, our two youngest, and good friends, Dereck and Marta.

Leavenworth is gorgeous any time of year, but especially so blanketed in snow. We rented a cabin along the banks of the Wenatchee River where we soaked in the sights, sounds, and magical rejuvenating powers of nature.


I packed enough food to see us through several of Laura Ingalls Wilder The Long Winter’s, and we ate just slightly more than 2 days worth of provisions. (It was a vacation, after all!) Suffice to say, we did not starve.

We played in the snow with the kiddos; sledding, snow-ball “fights”, and snow angels. We strolled through town, still decked out in holiday finery, and found our favorite snack - spicy Cheetos enrobed in caramel, called Coyote Droppings (link to a recipe found on-line) - Typed out it sounds terrible, but they are sooo good!

I took my new exercise mat, and Marta and I spent a part of each day stretching and practicing (sometimes hilariously) our strengthening moves. We walked for hours, logging several miles, in the woods and by the water. The men talked and plotted, and did manly things like cooking and doing the dishes. (I LOVE this about my husband!)


And after we’d worn the kids and ourselves out, we tucked the littles into bed, and had a lovely time chatting in comfortable companionship with these two. Marta, a dentist, and Dereck, a chiropractor, live and work in our small community and we have found good friends, traveling buddies, fair expo shopping cohorts, and an easy friendship with them. We feel blessed to have them in our lives.

I’m wondering how you all spent your weekends. In relaxation, productivity-mode, alone or with friends? Share your stories with me! I’m always, always, always interested in what you have to say!

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