
Laughing Through the Ugly Cry | July Book Club


To live, means to experience all things life brings to us. The gifts, the grief, the loves and losses. Making sense of it all, staying focused on the good, while accepting the bad… is a continuous balancing act and it’s no wonder that we get a little lost sometimes.

My July book club pick, Laughing Through The Ugly Cry and finding unstoppable JOY, by Dawn Barton, is a book that can help you find your way back to happy moments if you’ve been wandering in a forest of sadness.

Dawn and I have a lot in common (besides our fabulous hair!) Like me, Dawn is no stranger to strife and sorrow, and yet, she willfully, purposely, chooses joy. Her bright and colorful book reflects the very essence of Dawn and in it she lets you in on how you too can get through the unimaginable and find yourself in a place of peace and happiness.

Laughing Through The Ugly Cry, is full of Dawn’s honest and sometimes raw stories. It tell us how she was able to change her narrative to that of gratitude and find her way back to a God whom she’d loved her entire life, but had not worked on her relationship with in a purposeful way before; it’s a primer on how to choose Joy.

Bright and beautifully bound with a pink satin page marker, the book also includes some great conversation starters - which is why it makes a perfect book club pick! Get a copy for yourself, and give it as a gift!

Listen to a snippet of the audio version, HERE

and, Order a copy from Amazon, HERE

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Chatting with Robin Roberts | Everybody's Got Something, Season I

Chatting with Robin Roberts | Everybody's Got Something, Season I

Robin Roberts and I first met in New York City a few year ago through mutual friends, we had an instant connection and have kept in touch from that day on.