Nighttime radio host, Delilah

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Building Bridges to a Loving Tomorrow

So the election has finally coming to an end. The commercials will disappear and the daily rhetoric will become less.... but the divisive energy that has adversely affected us all could very well continue to steal your serenity. Don't let it!

It's time for building bridges, for reaching out to others in the name of love.

I'm reaching out to you not wanting to talk politics... that's just not what we do here. I'm just here to remind you that long after the polls close we are all still neighbors and friends and coworkers. One of the things I try to do each and every night is to bring people together.

"This I command you, that you love one another."
(John 15:17)

We are called to love and care for one and other no matter what. Even when we disagree. None of us have control over another person's opinion or ideas. We only have control of our own actions and although that may not seem like a lot me when I tell you that right now it means everything.

Choose love and respect in the coming days, months, years, my friends. I'm not asking you to lay down your principles or change your beliefs. I'm asking you to live them. The world is watching. We are a nation of strong, civilized people. Let's never forget that.

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love." 
(1 Corinthians 13:13)